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Why You Should Trial A 4 Day Work Week
Blog Charlotte Lockhart - Founder Blog Charlotte Lockhart - Founder

Why You Should Trial A 4 Day Work Week

As businesses continually seek ways to improve productivity, employee satisfaction, and operational efficiency, the concept of a 4 day work week has gained significant traction.

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Can a Veterinary Clinic Work a 4 Day Week? A Case Study of Kronobäck’s Veterinary Clinic in Sweden
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Can a Veterinary Clinic Work a 4 Day Week? A Case Study of Kronobäck’s Veterinary Clinic in Sweden

Ida Wallin is a registered animal nurse, owner and CEO of Kronobäck's Veterinary Clinic. She had worked in the veterinary industry for more than 20 years when she decided to start her own business. The team works to take care of small animals, i.e. dogs, cats and other small pets - with the same salary, but now 4 days a week.

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Can a police department work a 4 day week? (A case study of Golden Police Department)
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Can a police department work a 4 day week? (A case study of Golden Police Department)

In July 2023, the Golden Police Department (GPD) in Golden, Colorado, embarked on an innovative journey to improve employee morale, retention, and productivity. They launched a six-month pilot program, transitioning their full-time employees from a traditional 40-hour workweek to a 32-hour workweek, without any reduction in pay.

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How the 4 day work week benefits working parents
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How the 4 day work week benefits working parents

One of the most immediate benefits of a 4 day workweek is the increased time for family activities. An extra day off gives parents more quality time with their children, lets them participate in family outings, or simply be more present.

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The 4 day work week: a prescription for better physical health
Blog 4 Day Week Global Blog 4 Day Week Global

The 4 day work week: a prescription for better physical health

In the hustle and bustle of the modern world, the traditional 5 day work week has been the norm for decades since Henry Ford introduced it in his factories. But what if we could improve our physical health by simply reducing our work week by one day? The 4 day work week, a concept gaining traction globally, promises not just increased productivity and improved mental health, but also significant physical health benefits.

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The impact of a 4 day work week on employees' sleep-related problems
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The impact of a 4 day work week on employees' sleep-related problems

In recent years, several organizations have experimented with a 4 day work week, aiming to improve work-life balance and overall employee well-being. One of the key benefits observed is the positive impact on employees' sleep patterns. This case study explores how a 4 day work week can help alleviate sleep-related problems among employees.

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How does the 4 day work week help my mental health?
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How does the 4 day work week help my mental health?

Our research team who survey participants at the start and end of the 4 day work week trials measure many mental health benefits. We have been measuring the following reported metrics: workplace-related stress and burnout, fatigue and sleep-related problems, anxiety, and work-life balance.

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