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BBC World Business Report: Could we all work a four-day week?
Geraldine Doogue on Saturday Extra: 4 day week for all
Sunday Morning: John Boyd on the four-day working week
Cape Talk Radio Today with Kieno Kammies: The ongoing benefits of a four-day work week
Active CEO Podcast #58: Andrew Barnes – 4 Day Week
Happier at Work podcast by Aoife O'Brien
Reasons to be Cheerful with Ed Miliband and Geoff Lloyd
High Altitude - Conversations at the Top - Andrew Barnes
BBC World Business Report: Could we all work a four-day week?
After Microsoft in Japan offered workers a four-day week we ask if the idea could spread. Ffyona Dawber is chief executive of Synergy Vision, and explains why her business has introduced a four-day work week. Lord Robert Skidelsky is an economic historian who discusses how we used to work significantly longer hours each week in the past. Ryan Carson is founder of TreeHouse, which helps companies hire and train tech talent, and tells us why his firm which was founded with a four-day work week decided to move away from the idea. And we hear from the deputy mayor of Gothenburg in Sweden, Daniel Bernmar, why an experimental shorter work day there was not implemented at the end of a trial.
4 day week for all
By Geraldine Doogue on Saturday Extra
The 4 day week is possible. A New Zealand company, Perpetual Guardian, introduced a 4 day week in 2018, and their experiment has quickly become a role model for organisations around the world. The company's founder has now written a book advising employers and employees how to go about it.
Guest: Andrew Barnes, founder and director of Perpetual Guardian, Global champion of the 4 Day Week and author of 'The 4 day week: how the flexible work revolution can increase productivity, profitability and well-being, and create a sustainable future’ (Hachette).
Sunday Morning: John Boyd on the four-day working week
3MM - succinct opinions from New Zealanders on a Sunday morning. With the work year ending, John Boyd has some thoughts on how our work weeks should be in the years ahead. John is a Wellington management consultant working in leadership development.
The ongoing benefits of a four-day work week
Andrew Barnes argues that working five days a week is outdated after his company made headlines for implementing a four-day model.
New Zealand businessman Andrew Barnes is convinced that four-day work weeks are the key to sustainable and profitable workforces in the future.
Barnes is the founder of trustee services company Perpetual Guardian which switched its 240 staff from a five-day to a four-day week in November last year.
Active CEO Podcast #58: Andrew Barnes – 4 Day Week
On this episode of the active CEO Podcast, Craig Johns speaks with Andrew Barnes about Perpetual Guardian’s 4 Day Week, changing the way people work, improving the wellbeing and productivity of businesses, and the fourth industrial revolution.
Reasons to be Cheerful with Ed Miliband and Geoff Lloyd
This episode featuring Andrew Barnes of Reasons to be Cheerful made to our Top-10 episodes of 2018!
Kate Bell from the TUC joined as well to talk about how realistic it is that a 4-day working week could possibly allow a company to continue paying a full wage.
Alternatively listen to the episode on:
You can also listen to the 2019 New Year special episode that covers top-episodes of 2018 including the one with Andrew.
High Altitude - Conversations at the Top - Andrew Barnes
Dr John Peebles chats with Andrew Barnes about various topics including innovation, change management, philanthropy, entrepreneurship, the military, leadership, team engagement , the arts, charitable giving, the 4 day week experiment and more Conversations at the top with Dr John Peebles is about business in New Zealand from the perspective of the decision-makers, the risk-takers and the money-makers.
Alternatively watch the video of the interview or listen the full episode on: