Can an E-Commerce Design Firm Work a 4 Day Week? A Case Study of Aeolidia

How this E-Commerce Design Firm Adopted a 4 Day Week

In 2022, Aeolidia, a Shopify development and design firm operating in the US and Canada, embarked on a significant shift in their work culture by adopting a 4 day week.

Following a successful trial, they decided to make this change permanent.

Their goal was to enhance recruitment and retention, reduce burnout, and create a happier, less stressed work environment.

Aeolidia’s implementation of the 4 day week followed the 100-80-100™ model: 100% of the work in 80% of the time for 100% pay.

Why Did Aeolidia Decide to Implement a 4 Day Week?

Aeolidia’s leadership identified several reasons for adopting a shorter work week.

They aimed to improve recruitment and retention by offering a more attractive work-life balance. Additionally, they wanted to reduce employee burnout and stress, making the company a better and more sustainable place to work.

By cutting down meeting times and leveraging technology to reduce busywork, they hoped to maintain productivity levels while enhancing employee well-being.

What Did Aeolidia Measure When They Switched to a 4 Day Week?

To assess the impact of the 4 day week, Aeolidia measured key metrics, including time spent on client work and utilization rates.

They partnered with 4 Day Week Global’s research team to evaluate work-life balance, physical and mental health, sleep, travel, and burnout.

The firm found that their productivity remained at 100% of pre-trial levels in 2022 and 2023, with profitability and utilization rates also staying strong. The same types of projects were completed as before the implementation.

How Did the 4 Day Week Benefit Aeolidia’s Employees?

The transition to a 4 day week resulted in several benefits for Aeolidia’s employees. The reduced work week helped mitigate burnout and improve overall happiness and mental health. Employees reported better work-life balance and satisfaction, with some indicating a significant positive impact on their personal well-being.

The firm’s founder, Arianne Foulks, noted a substantial increase in job applications, indicating that the new schedule was an attractive feature for potential hires.

What Are the Lessons That Aeolidia Learned as a Result of Switching to a 4 Day Week?

Aeolidia’s experience with the 4 day week offers valuable lessons for other businesses considering a similar change.

The 4 Day Week Impacts Different Roles in Different Ways

Different roles within the company adapted to the 4 day week in various ways. For instance, project managers handling multiple clients and projects found it more challenging to manage their workload within the shorter timeframe compared to roles focused on creativity, like designers.

How to Tackle This Issue

To address these challenges, Aeolidia introduced new systems and supports tailored to different roles. Tools like ClickUp with ZenPilot and the Entrepreneurial Operating System (EOS) were implemented to improve productivity and efficiency.

Understand How Systems Can Maximize Your Productivity as a Team

Aeolidia leveraged technology to enhance team productivity. Implementing new project management systems and reducing inefficient processes allowed them to maintain high productivity levels despite the reduced work week.

How to Tackle This Issue

Identifying and implementing the right systems was crucial. Aeolidia’s use of ClickUp and EOS helped streamline tasks and improve workflow, ensuring that employees could meet output expectations.

Be Mindful of How You Communicate the 4 Day Week Change to Your Clients

Communication with clients about the new work schedule was critical. Aeolidia found that clear and transparent communication helped manage client expectations and maintained strong relationships.

How to Tackle This Issue

Over-communicating the changes initially ensured clients understood the benefits and adjustments. Proving that the quality of work and meeting deadlines would not be compromised was essential in gaining client trust.

How to Implement a 4 Day Week in Your Agency or Business

Aeolidia’s journey offers a roadmap for other businesses considering a 4 day week. Here are the steps they recommend:

Preparation for a 4 Day Week

Start by preparing your team and organization for the transition. Aeolidia worked closely with 4 Day Week Global to develop a structured approach, ensuring all team members were on board and ready for the change.

Designing Your 4 Day Week

Design the new work week by identifying inefficiencies and implementing necessary changes to processes and systems. Aeolidia’s use of project management tools and EOS was crucial in this phase.

We have several options depending on the size and complexity of your organization. Chat with us with to learn more.

Mastering Time Transformation

Ongoing support from coaches or consultants can help maintain the new work schedule. Aeolidia’s collaboration with 4 Day Week Global ensured continuous improvement and adaptation.

Speak with a member of 4 Day Week Global to understand what our upcoming masterclass schedule is.

Becoming an Accredited Employer

Gaining recognition as a 4 day week employer can enhance your attractiveness to potential employees. Aeolidia’s success in recruitment highlights the benefits of such accreditation.

Talk to the 4 Day Week Global team to learn more.

Aeolidia’s successful implementation of a 4 day week demonstrates that with careful planning, clear communication, and the right systems, businesses can maintain productivity while significantly improving employee well-being.

By following their example, other firms can explore the potential benefits of a shorter work week and create a more sustainable and attractive workplace.

Book a free 15 minute consultation with our Programs Manager, Victoria, to understand how your organization can benefit from work-time transformation.

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Tips for Productivity Interventions for Organizations Switching to a 4 Day Work Week