We are taking the
4 Day Week Global

Creating a million new years of free time

Years created so far: 2851


reported a reduction in burnout


of companies want to continue after the trial


found it easier to attract talent


increase in revenue over previous year


decrease in employee resignations

With our years of expertise in helping businesses around the globe transition to a 4 day week, we have developed a suite of tools and programs to assist you in your own journey.

What can we do for you?

Embark on a coordinated, two-month design phase and six-month trial of a 4 day week alongside other pioneering companies, getting unique support from leading experts, and accessing the tools to make the initiative a success in your business.

Access bespoke, one-on-one support to help create a 4 day week business case, prepare large teams for the transition, roll out a tailored pilot program in a complex organization, and more. We will guide you through every step towards successful implementation.

Your 4 day week journey begins here

As global leaders in reduced work time, we are passionate about helping businesses, individuals, and governments work towards a future where productivity is prioritised over working hours, and work/life balance can be improved without sacrificing business results.

We have worked with dozens of organizations across the globe to implement shorter work weeks with outstanding results.

Now we want to help you get there too.