4 Day Week Global

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Can a Software Company Work a 4 Day Week? A Case Study of Nmbrs

How this payroll and HR software company found success in their 4 day work week

In September 2022, Nmbrs, a payroll and HR software company which operates in the Dutch and Swedish market, decided to switch to a 4 day work week.

They decided to reduce their work week from a Monday - Friday to a Monday - Thursday for all of their employees across their Amsterdam, Stockholm and Lisbon teams.

Why did the software company switch to a 4 day week?

Nmbrs BV were already operating in an unconventional fashion, without any managers. They decided to apply their progressive mindset to the next pioneering feat - the 4 day work week. 

They strongly believed in the benefits of the 4 day week as a concept, and wanted to try it to prove that it works.

“We implemented the 4 day workweek in September 2022, because we feel the world needs this. We know we can be pioneers to learn and share our learning for the wider community”, says Chief People Officer, Marieke Pepers.

Their aim was to attract talent to the organization and to boost productivity and creativity among the team with a 4 day week.

How did the software company implement their 4 day work week?

Everyone was involved in the project of switching to a 4 day work week. They reviewed their ways of working and identified areas where they could improve their efficiency.

Meetings were changed, dependencies were affected and schedules were updated in order to allow everyone on the team to be free all day Friday, every Friday.

It was decided that everyone in Nmbrs would take Friday off, and that their ‘gift day’ would not be staggered.

What is a ‘gift day’ in the context of the 4 day work week?

The ‘gift day’ is terminology introduced by 4 Day Week Global, the leading global organization in work-time reduction, to describe the additional free day or weekend day given back to employees when a shorter work week such as a 4 day week is adopted.

It can sometimes be used in the phrase, ‘the gift of the fifth’, where the fifth day is gifted to employees for achieving their productivity or output targets within their 4 working days.

Organizations may approach the application or use of the gift day policy in different ways. Learn more about how the gift day can be implemented into your employee policy document with our expertise.

What was the result of the software company switching to a 4 day week?

After a lot of continuous feedback from employees, and constantly tweaking and updating of methodologies and approaches, Nmbrs reached a steady state of efficiency within their new 4 day work week schedule.

“It took some time to become good at setting priorities. It also took some time to be more effective and efficient”, says Chief People Officer, Marieke Pepers.

Nmbrs reported no negative impact on their customer service delivery. In fact, their customers noticed no change in their working hours.

The biggest impact was on the employees’ lives and what they were able to do with their new-found free time.

“The broader effect on families around our employees was bigger than we expected. Especially in Lisbon, Portugal, where part-time working is not an option. People started to do hobbies and spend time with family because they finally felt that they had the time and energy for it.”, she explains.

The biggest takeaway from this software company’s 4 day work week

Building a business case for trialing a 4 day work week is often one of the most complex, and the most important step for any organization. We understand that key stakeholders in the organization want to be reassured that reducing your work-time by 20% will not negatively impact the service provided, the customer experience or the productivity of the staff.

Of course, we understand that the reason for wanting to trial a 4 day work week are the business benefits themselves but often we need to convince the boss or the board first.

We will work with you to build your 4 day week business case for your key stakeholders. Enquire with our team today to learn more about your work-time transformation business case options.

How can I contribute to the 4 day week movement?

So, how can we ensure the 4 day work week becomes routine over radical? We’re a non-profit organization looking to bring the 4 day week to as many people across the globe as possible. Our goal is to create a million years of new free time through 4 day week trials and transitions.

Would you like to sponsor us on this journey? Donate as little as $2 per month to become a part of this movement for a 4 Day World.

Do you want to implement a 4 day week in your organization?

Work with us to reduce your work-time! We have helped over a thousand businesses to reduce their work-time by 20%, unlocking multiple benefits including higher productivity, better employee well-being and engagement.

Depending where you are on your time transformation journey, we have different approaches to suit your organization:

Preparation for a 4 Day Week

An online masterclass course comprising 5 modules to prepare you for transitioning to a 4 Day Week.

Designing your 4 Day Week

Design and implement your 4 Day Week journey. Our team works with you to pilot and track the impact of your shorter workweek. Choose the National Program or Bespoke Consulting route.

Mastering Time Transformation

Our expert coaches will work with you to reduce work time, create a high performance team and master your 4 Day Week, sustainably. 

Becoming an accredited employer

Get recognized as a 4 Day Week Employer to attract and retain the best talent to unlock long-term benefits.

Book in a free consultation with our team to discuss your time transformation journey with 4 Day Week Global.